Artwork for Videojogos 2024.


5-6 December 2024, Leiria, Portugal


Proceedings available from February 8 until March 8, 2025. Click here for download.

Welcome to the 14th International Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts. This year’s event takes place at the Polytechnic University of Leiria, Portugal, from December 5-6, 2024. It is organized by the Computer Science and Communication Research Centre (CIIC) of the Department of Computer Engineering of the School of Technology and Management (ESTG), with the collaboration of the Portuguese Society of Video Games Sciences (SPCV).

The annual conferences of the SPCV aim to gather the scientific community and practitioners in videogames. It is worth remembering that these conferences are usually attended by researchers and professionals in the expanded field of Videogames — Multimedia, Communication, Technology, Education, Psychology, and Arts — to disseminate work and exchange experiences between the academic community and the industry.

Are you an enterprise or an indie developer? Are you a gamer or an e-sport champion? A streamer? Are you a game journalist and/or reviewer of games? There are numerous ways to get involved in this conference! Feel free to reach out to us at


We welcome research proposals, long and short papers, and demos. All presenting new scientific results, innovative technologies, best practices, or improvements to existing techniques and approaches in the multidisciplinary research field of Games Research.

Suggested research topics for contributions include, but are not limited to:
  • Game methodologies, design & development
  • Game-based learning, edutainment & training
  • Advergames and Game Business Models
  • Games for science, social innovation & change
  • Animation for games & virtual worlds
  • Tabletop Games
  • Gamification & Game Psychology
  • Game Analytics, Testing & Quality Assurance
  • Game Art, Storytelling, Cinematics, & Sound Design
  • Game communities and Streaming events
  • Game design (frameworks, game mechanics, etc.)
  • Accessible and inclusive game design
  • Procedural content generation
  • Adaptation/personalization in games
  • Automatic game testing
  • Novel game controls and interfaces


All Papers (short or full) selected for international publication should be submitted in English. We will select the 40% best research papers, peer-reviewed and ranked on the basis of originality, relevance of the results and presentation quality, to be published with our annual Springer proceedings volume. A second batch of papers, to be selected based on originality and promising value of the work being developed, will be selected for a works-in-progress volume to be published by SPCV. Accepted papers will require that at least one representative registers in the conference to present the work.

Submissions of Full and Short Papers should follow the Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS) format (see "Information for Authors of Springer Computer Science Proceedings").

Following the instructions provided in the link above, please use the appropriate templates to submit your work: for Microsoft Word users or for LaTeX users.

[Full papers: 12 – 15 pp. | Short papers: 6 – 8 pp.]

Paper submission

We welcome the submission of innovative Demos within the areas of interest covered by the conference. Proposals are made online via the following link:

Demo submission Deadline: 20/Nov

Important dates

Full and short papers

Submission deadline: September 15, 2024 September 22, 2024 September 29, 2024

Author notification of the review: October 15, 2024 October 22, 2024

Submission of the camera-ready version: October 27, 2024

VJ2024 conference: December 5-6, 2024


We welcome the submission of innovative Demos within the areas of interest covered by the conference. Proposals are made online via the following link:

Demo submission Deadline: 20/Nov


Full papers: 12 - 15 pages

Short papers: < 12 pages

Proceedings of the top-rated papers will be submitted to be published by Springer in their Communications in Computer and Information Science series as a Post-conference volume.

The Communications in Computer and Information Science is a book proceedings series by Springer and Indexed by SCOPUS, SCImago, and ISI Proceedings.

The remaining selected papers, interactive demos, and workshops will be published in a Proceedings Book (with ISBN) edited by SPCV.

Paper Guidelines

Long papers will have a presentation time of a maximum of 20 minutes, while short papers will have a maximum of 15 minutes (time for questions included).

Keynote Speakers

Portrait of Isabelle Arvers, keynote speaker

Isabelle Arvers - Invited Speaker

"Using Games to Raise Environmental Awareness"

Founded by French artist and game curator Isabelle Arvers and Brazilian carnival artist and filmmaker Livia Diniz, the Green Games - pedagogical kit project is a disruptive, low-tech, and creative educational proposal to raise awareness about the environment through green games. The idea is to hack video games to encourage changes in behavior towards the environment, playing games that adopt animist and native peoples' perspectives, games that address narratives related to current climate challenges. Games developed responsibly, with less technology and more diversity in aesthetics and game mechanics: less competition, more collaboration. Through interactive workshops and the development of eco-friendly games, we're empowering young people to become conscious creators within the digital space

About the author:
Dr Isabelle Arvers is a French artist, curator & critic whose research focuses on the interaction between art and video games. For the past twenty years, she has been investigating the artistic, ethical, and critical implications of digital gaming. Her work explores the creative potential of hacking video games through machinima. As a curator, she focuses on video games as a new language for artists. In 2019, she embarked on an Art and Games World Tour in South countries, to meet and interview 300 artists and game makers focusing on queer, feminist, and decolonial practices. In 2024, Arvers completed her PhD on Art & Games decolonization and teamed up with the Brazilian artist Livia Diniz to cocreate and distribute the Green Games Pedagogical Kit worldwide.

Portrait of Nuno Fonseca, keynote speaker

Nuno Fonseca - Invited Speaker

"From Leiria to Hollywood… and Blizzard… and Fortnite… and Headphones"

The story of Sound Particles, a Portuguese company that creates 3D audio software, which is used in AAA game companies (Blizzard, PlayStation, Epic) and in all major Hollywood studios (Dune, Oppenheimer, Super Mario, StarWars). From the initial idea and the early prototype, to reaching the big companies, and ending their biggest challenge yet: the holy grail of 3D sound over headphones.

About the author:
Founder/CEO at Sound Particles, a company that creates 3D audio software used by world-class musicians, top videogame companies, and in all major Hollywood studios in productions such as Dune, Indiana Jones, Oppenheimer, Game Of Thrones, StarWars. A former university professor, with a PhD in computer audio, Nuno is also the author of 2 books and more than 20 papers on audio research.

Portrait of Nuno Fonseca, keynote speaker

Jesper Juul - Invited Speaker

"A European History of the Commodore 64"

In this talk, based on my new book Too Much Fun: The Five Lives of the Commodore 64 Computer, I will try to right a historical wrong: Most video game histories have focused on US and Japanese games and on home consoles, erasing the early European history of video games which mostly happened on home computers. In this talk, I will explore the rich history of the Commodore 64 to tell the European history of early video games, including the connection between piracy and games, programming culture and games, and the European invention of the action-adventure games. By uncovering this hidden history, we can better understand the forces that shaped modern video games, and understand the multiple origins of global video games

About the author:
Jesper Juul is a video game theorist and occasional game developer. With a PhD in video game studies, by the IT University of Copenhagen, he is author of several peer-reviewed papers in the field. He co-edits the MIT Press Playful Thinking series. His previous books include Half-Real, The Art of Failure, and Handmade Pixels. Currently, he is Associate Professor at the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen, Denmark, and has taught at MIT and New York University. His first computer was a Commodore 64, on which he wrote games and demos.

Portrait of Patrícia Gouveia, book presentation

Patrícia Gouveia - Book presentation

"Game Design. Ludic Experience and Speculative Feminism" (Lisbon International Press)

This book explores Game Design and 21st-century playful culture, highlighting the concept of transmedia, which involves the creation and dissemination of artistic works using both technological and analog media. Through play and games, the author examines how digital interactive technologies, mediated by the internet, shape our experience of the world. The work investigates internet arts and transmedia aesthetics, showing how they influence contemporary Game Design. The first part of the book questions how play and games can expand our understanding of the world by integrating various fields of knowledge. The text also addresses serious games, which aim to solve real-world problems, and technologies like virtual reality (VR), which are fundamental to 21st-century education. Finally, the author reflects on the potential of Game Design as a tool to transform society, contributing to an innovative vision of the future.

About the author:
PATRÍCIA GOUVEIA was born in Lisbon and is an artist, designer, professor, and curator with over thirty years of experience in arts, design, games, and interaction research. She has been working in interactive arts and design since the 1990s. Her 2023 habilitation thesis explored how feminism can drive and generate changes in creating more sustainable playful technologies. This research was published this year in the book Game Design, Playful Experience, and Speculative Feminism (Lisbon International Press). She also published the book Digital Arts and Games, Aesthetics and Playful Experience Design (2010) and several papers and chapters. She is an associate professor at the Fine Arts Faculty, Lisbon University, and a senior researcher at the Interactive Technologies Institute at the Robotics and Engineering Systems Laboratory (ITI/LARSyS). She co-created the projects XCare (2023-) and Game Arts and Gender Equity (GAGE 2020-2024), as well as the Playmode exhibitions in four Brazilian cities (CCBB 2019-2023: Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, and Brasília) and Lisbon, Portugal (MAAT, 2016-2019).


The conference will be held at the ESTG - School of Technology and Management of the Polytechnic University of Leiria.

Early Bird Registration: Ends November 22nd November 29th

early late
Full Registration: (non SPCV member) * 200€ 240€
Full Registration (SPCV member) * 170€ 200€
Big Buddy (includes 2 students) * 340€ 400€
Full Registration (Virtual) 200€ 250€
Reduced Registration (non-authors) 50€ 70€
Guests (Conference Dinner only) 40€
Student fee ** 5€ 10€

* Registration includes the conference dinner and social events.

** Student fee only have access to talks. Does not include coffee breaks or meals.

If you have questions related to the registration process, please contact Alexandrino Gonçalves:

Event Venue

ESTG - Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Gestão, Politécnico de Leiria

Campus 2
Morro do Lena – Alto do Vieiro
Apartado 4163
2411-901 Leiria – Portugal

The event will take place at ESTG, Building D.


Some nearby hotels

Eurosol Hotels

T +351 244 849 849 –

Mobilis stop: Lg José Lúcio (Line 1/Green and Line 2/Red)

Tryp Leiria

T +351 244 249 900 –

Mobilis stop: Almoínha Grande or Bairro das Almoínhas (Line 1/Green and Line 2/Red)

Hotel São Luís

T +351 244 848 370 – hotelsluis@gmail.comt

Mobilis stop: stop: Av. Marquês de Pombal (Line 1/Green and Line 2/Red)

Casa da Nora

T +351 244 891 189 –

Discount for "Videojogos 2024" attendees. Direct reservations: Conference dinner takes place at this location.

Mobilis stop: Junta de Freguesia. Rua Helena Aboim L. Vieira. Rua Santa Maria (Line 8/Yellow)

Hotel D. Dinis

T +351 244 815 342 –

Mobilis stop: Bombeiros Municipais (Line 1/Green and Line 2/Red)

ibis Leiria Fatima

T +351 244 816 700 –

Mobilis stop: Av. N. S. Fátima (Line 1/Green and Line 2/Red)

Hotel Leiriense

T +351 244 823 054 –

Mobilis stop: Jardim Luís de Camões (Line 1/Green); Fonte das 3 Bicas or Largo Cónego Maia Sé (Line 2/Red)

Hotel Leiria Classic

T +351 244 812 802 –

Mobilis stop: Fonte das 3 Bicas (Line 2/Red)

Hotel São Francisco

T +351 244 823 110 –

Mobilis stop: Lg José Lúcio (Line 1/Green and Line 2/Red)

Atlas Leiria

T +351 917 460 810 –

Mobilis stop: Jardim Luís de Camões (Line 1/Green); Fonte das 3 Bicas or Largo Cónego Maia Sé (Line 2/Red)


T +351 244 882 330 –

Porta 20 Boutique Guesthouse

T +351 962 343 463 –

Mobilis stop: Av. Marquês de Pombal (Line 1/Green and Line 2/Red)


Conference chair:

Anabela Marto (CIIC | ESTG – Polytechnic University of Leiria)

Scientific chairs:

Rui Prada (INESC-ID and Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, PT),

Patrícia Gouveia (ITI / LARSyS Instituto Superior Técnico and Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Universidade de Lisboa, PT),

Ruth S. Contreras Espinosa (Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya, ES)

Organizing Committee:

Alexandrino Gonçalves (CIIC | ESTG – Polytechnic University of Leiria),

Catarina Cardoso (ESTG – Polytechnic University of Leiria),

Eduarda Abrantes (CIIC | ESTG – Polytechnic University of Leiria),

Roberto Ribeiro (CIIC | ESTG – Polytechnic University of Leiria)

Special thanks to: Joel Ferreira and Sérgio Santos (ESTG – Polytechnic University of Leiria)

Scientific Committee

    • Alan Carvalho (FATEC, São Caetano do Sul, Brazil)
    • Ana Veloso (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
    • Anna Unterholzner (ITI/LARSyS, Portugal)
    • Anabela Marto (CIIC, ESTG, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal)
    • André Pereira (KTH, Sweden)
    • Andreas Theodorou (Umeå University)
    • Alexander Dockhorn (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover, Germany)
    • Bárbara Barroso (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e Vale do Cávado, Portugal)
    • Carla Sousa (Universidade Lusófona, CICANT, Portugal)
    • Eduarda Abrantes (CIIC, ESTG, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal)
    • Eva Oliveira (IPCA, Portugal)
    • Frutuoso Silva (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal)
    • João Dias (Universidade do Algarve, Portugal)
    • Leonel Morgado (Universidade Aberta, Portugal)
    • Liliana Vale Costa (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
    • Luís Reis (Universidade do Porto, Portugal)
    • Micael Sousa (University College Dublin, Ireland)
    • Markus Wiemker (Hochschule Fresenius, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany)
    • Nelson Zagalo (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
    • Óscar Mealha (Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal)
    • Patrícia Gouveia (FBAUL & ITI/LARSyS, Portugal)
    • Phil Lopes (Universidade Lusófona, CICANT, Portugal)
    • Riccardo Fassone (University of Torino, Italy)
    • Roberto Ribeiro (CIIC, ESTG, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal)
    • Rui Prada (IST / INESC, Portugal)
    • Ruth Contreras Espinosa (University of Vic, Barcelona, Spain)
    • Terhi Marttila (ITI/LARSyS, Portugal)
    • Teresa Romão (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia/Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal)
    • Valter Alves (Universidade de Coimbra e Instituto Politécnico de Viseu, Portugal)
    • Salma Elsayed (Abertay University)
    • Wolfgang Mueller (University of Education Weingarten, Germany)

Contact Us


ESTG - Escola Superior de Tecnologias e Gestão
Politécnico de Leiria
Rua General Norton de Matos,
2411-901 Leiria - Portugal

Phone Number

(+351) 244 830 010


39°44'15.1"N 8°48'40.8 2421-901


Anabela Marto:


