We welcome research proposals, long and short papers, and demos. All presenting new scientific results, innovative technologies, best practices, or improvements to existing techniques and approaches in the multidisciplinary research field of Games Research.
Suggested research topics for contributions include, but are not limited to:
- Game methodologies, design & development
- Game-based learning, edutainment & training
- Advergames and Game Business Models
- Games for science, social innovation & change
- Animation for games & virtual worlds
- Tabletop Games
- Gamification & Game Psychology
- Game Analytics, Testing & Quality Assurance
- Game Art, Storytelling, Cinematics, & Sound Design
- Game communities and Streaming events
- Game design (frameworks, game mechanics, etc.)
- Accessible and inclusive game design
- Procedural content generation
- Adaptation/personalization in games
- Automatic game testing
- Novel game controls and interfaces