Artwork for Videojogos 2024.


5-6 December 2024, Leiria, Portugal


Proceedings available from February 8 until March 8, 2025. Click here for download.

Welcome to the 14th International Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts. This year’s event takes place at the Polytechnic University of Leiria, Portugal, from December 5-6, 2024. It is organized by the Computer Science and Communication Research Centre (CIIC) of the Department of Computer Engineering of the School of Technology and Management (ESTG), with the collaboration of the Portuguese Society of Video Games Sciences (SPCV).

The annual conferences of the SPCV aim to gather the scientific community and practitioners in videogames. It is worth remembering that these conferences are usually attended by researchers and professionals in the expanded field of Videogames — Multimedia, Communication, Technology, Education, Psychology, and Arts — to disseminate work and exchange experiences between the academic community and the industry.

Are you an enterprise or an indie developer? Are you a gamer or an e-sport champion? A streamer? Are you a game journalist and/or reviewer of games? There are numerous ways to get involved in this conference! Feel free to reach out to us at